FAPESP and Equinor launch Petroleum Engineering Research Center at Unicamp

The launch of the Petroleum Engineering Research Center at Unicamp (EPIC) was featured on the Inova Unicamp website in February 20, 2019. The launching took place at FAPESP’s headquarters.

With a 10-year agreement, FAPESP and Equinor will each contribute around R$ 25 million over the first five years, with the same amount to be invested in the following five years. Another portion of the investment will come from Unicamp in the form of researcher and support staff salaries, infrastructure, and facilities.

Lançamento Fapesp


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Opening of research center on sustainable oil use injects R$ 25 million into Unicamp

EPIC was featured on G1 on February 19, 2019. The article discusses how the center was established, the partner organizations (FAPESP, Equinor, and Unicamp), and the funding mechanisms. Additionally, it explores the collaboration between EPIC and CEPETRO and the scientific objectives of the center.

In an interview, Denis Schiozer, director of CEPETRO, stated: "We will seek to produce more oil in a more sustainable way and with innovative solutions for CO2 disposal, which can be used to increase oil production; and for a more sustainable use of the water produced along with oil," mentioning that the center will focus on oil reservoirs in the Campos Basin and the pre-salt layer.

Cepetro area, at Unicamp — Photo: Antonio Scarpinetti / Unicamp

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