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Influence of Fluid Viscosity on the Flow Behavior within the Impeller of an Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP)


The electrical submersible pump (ESP) plays a crucial role in artificial lift operations in the oil and gas industry.
The viscosity of the pumped fluid significantly influences the flow dynamics within the ESP, thereby impacting
the performance of the machine. In this context, flow visualization techniques can unveil intricate details of the
flow in ESP impellers, thus providing a deeper understanding of the relationship between flow behavior and
pump performance. This is the main idea of the present document, which utilizes the particle image velocimetry
(PIV) technique to experimentally investigate a mineral oil flow, 𝜇 = 14 𝑐𝑃, in a transparent prototype of a real
impeller, P23 model. The paper reports insights into the flow in the pump’s rotating component at different flow
rates that correspond to percentages of the best efficiency point (BEP). Average velocity fields and turbulent
kinetic energy plots indicate that flow dynamics are highly dependent on the operating conditions of the ESP.
A comparison between results for oil and water completes the analysis, as it highlights the effects of viscosity
on the flow characteristics. This type of study is useful to validate numerical simulations, support mathematical
models, and develop improved impeller designs.