A comparative numerical study of finite element methods resulting in mass conservation for Poisson’s problem: Primal hybrid, mixed and their hybridized formulations
This paper presents a numerical comparison of finite-element methods resulting in local mass conservation at the element level for Poisson’s problem, namely the primal hybrid and mixed methods. These formulations result in an indefinite system. Alternative formulations yielding a positive-definite system are obtained after hybridizing each method. The choice of approximation spaces yields methods with enhanced accuracy for the pressure variable, and results in systems with identical size and structure after static condensation. A regular pressure precision mixed formulation is also considered based on the classical RTk space. The simulations are accelerated using Open multi-processing (OMP) and Thread-Building Blocks (TBB) multithreading paradigms alongside either a coloring strategy or atomic operations ensuring a thread-safe execution. An additional parallel strategy is developed using C++ threads, which is based on the producer-consumer paradigm, and uses locks and semaphores as synchronization primitives. Numerical tests show the optimal parallel strategy for these finite-element formulations, and the computational performance of the methods are compared in terms of simulation time and approximation errors. Additional results are developed during the process. Numerical solvers often fail to find an accurate solution to the highly indefinite systems arising from finite-element formulations, and this paper documents a matrix ordering strategy to stabilize the resolution. A procedure to enable static condensation based on the introduction of piecewise constant functions that also fulfills Neumann’s compatibility condition, and yet computes an average pressure per element is presented.