Reservoir Management

Visualization of Multiple Production Variables of Petroleum Field and Wells to Support the Selection of Representative Models


Petroleum engineers usually create hundreds of models of a reservoir to deal with its uncertainties. Since running flow simulations in all models is time-expensive, selecting a subset of “representative models” (or RMs) for simulations can reduce total simulation time without compromising analysis quality. However, judging the representativeness of the RMs and choosing the best model are hard tasks that visualization techniques can help to improve. This paper explores visualization techniques to aid engineers in evaluating and comparing the representativeness of a “solution” (i.e., a set of RMs) and of multiple solutions. We propose an interactive dashboard featuring: (a) a representativeness heatmap of multiple solutions, and (b) a set of crossplots of production variables of a solution, enhanced with convex hulls of representative and represented models. Experienced petroleum analysts evaluated the proposed visualizations positively, indicating the potential of these visualizations to enhance the process of choosing representative models.