EPIC turns 5 and discusses the future of the oil and gas industry and energy transition

On November 14, 2023, the Unicamp news outlet published a piece about the 5th EPIC Conference.

At the conference, EPIC discussed the future of the oil and gas industry and the challenges of the energy transition. The conference took place at the end of the first phase of the project that led to the creation of the innovation center, which was deemed a success by its director, Professor Denis Schiozer, from FEM. 

At the conference, Equinor’s chief researcher, Juliana Finoto Bueno, stated that, during these first five years, EPIC’s work has required the efforts of approximately one hundred researchers – from undergraduates to postgraduates. According to her, the results – published in papers in specialized journals – will undergo a period of maturation within the company.

Aware that the demand for oil will continue for many years, EPIC and Equinor are joining forces to make oil extraction more efficient and cleaner. 

Find out more at: https://unicamp.br/unicamp/noticias/2023/11/14/epic-faz-5-anos-e-discute-futuro-da-industria-do-petroleo-e-gas-e-transicao/